
Thursday, March 4, 2010

Math Fact Games For Teaching Elementary Math

These instant math activities are a fun way to practice math facts.
1.Quick Practice -
Write 40 or so sums on the board - start with 10 single digit addition and subtraction (7 + 8) so that every one can participate. Increase the difficulty as you go along. Add some fun sums like:
1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 7 + 8 + 9
or 435 783 + 1
or 2+20+200+2000+200000+7

Download Drill of National Exam 2010 - Math

Download Drill of Math - UN SMP / MTs 2010
(equipped with a complete solution)

Download Drill of Math - UN MA 2010
(equipped with a complete solution)

Download Drill of Math - UN SMK 2010
(equipped with a complete solution)

Download Drill of Math - UASBN SD / MI 2010

(equipped with a complete solution)

2. Mystery Sums -
Write the numbers on the board in pairs (23 78). When you are finished writing the numbers, add addition or subtraction signs and ask the class to complete the sums.

3. Shopping -
Ask each student to give you the name of something you can buy at the shops. Write these on the board with its price (eg jeans $5O). When this is done tell the students that they have $200 (or any other amount)to spend. What will they buy? Students write out the sum used to determine this in full. Continue this with different characters ( a 16 year old girl, an 80 year old man, a new mother).

4. Student Drill -
Give each student a slip of paper and ask them to write a single or double digit sum on it (17 + 18). Collect these and write them on the board for the class to do.

5. Student Birthdays -
Ask 10 or more students the date of their birthday and write these on the board as sums for the class to do
(eg February 4 2000 becomes 2+4+2000=2006).


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